
Register today for the 2024年德州人口会议 on May 29-30

Register today for the 2024年德州人口会议 on May 29-30

2024年5月13日- 的 德州人口统计中心 (TDC), housed at the 世界杯官方app Institute for Demographic 和 Socioeconomic 研究, will explore the demographic changes unfolding in Texas at its annual data users conference.

2024年德州人口会议 will be held at the Barbara Jordan State Office Building in Austin from 8:30 a.m. 到下午6点.m. 5月29日星期三,上午8点开始.m. 到5点.m. 5月30日星期四.

Participants will have the opportunity to connect with fellow data enthusiasts 和 gain valuable insights 和 updates about the latest census data 和 products.

的 TDC will kick off its conference with American Community Survey (ACS) on the Road, a look at the ACS 和 its implications for policy development 和 funding at the local level.


Staff members from the Population Reference Bureau 和 the U.S. Census Bureau’s ACS division will lead the discussion.

This year’s lineup of speakers includes Texas State Demographer 劳埃德·波特. 他的演讲, “State of the State: Texas Demographic Trends 和 Characteristics,” will provide a comprehensive overview of demographic trends in Texas.

大卫长盛的讨论, 德州人才发展轨迹,” will offer insights into Texas students’ educational pathways from 8th grade to Texas’ higher education institutions 和 post-college opportunities. Troutman is the deputy commissioner for academic affairs at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.


This year’s sessions will delve into a wide range of topics that have a profound impact on the state's future, 包括人口增长, 生育趋势, 德州的数字鸿沟, 社会经济因素. 查看完整的会议议程 在这里.

的 TDC is a focal point for the distribution of Census Bureau information for Texas. 它是国家的一部分 国家数据中心 (SDC) partnership program 和 supports the Census Bureau’s efforts in the areas of geography, 产品测试, 参与调查, 建立社区伙伴关系, 以及其他项目. 安置在世界杯官方app和斯蒂芬F. 奥斯汀大厦在国会大厦, 发展局 serves as the lead state data center 和 coordinates a network consisting of coordinating agencies, 州分公司, 当地的子公司, 以及商业和工业数据中心.

参观 会议网站 to register or to learn more about this year’s sessions 和 speakers, or 电子邮件 发展局.
了解更多有关 德州人口统计中心.

自2009年以来, Potter has served as the director of the Institute for Demographic 和 Socioeconomic 研究 和, in 2010, 被任命为德州人口统计学家. His research interests include applied demography, 水和能源消费人口统计, 运输, 以及伤害和暴力预防.

— Alej和ra莱昂

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