Special Event Planning Considerations

For all 世界杯官方app events, 策划者和协调员应该阅读并熟悉下面概述的特殊活动策划注意事项.

If you have any questions, contact 风险 and Emergency Management.

世界杯官方app Police Department

风险 & Emergency Management

When a fire alarm sounds, occupants should:

  • 根据张贴的疏散计划,立即前往出口,并移动到安全距离外(150英尺).) from the building to your rally point. If the primary exit is blocked, choose the best alternate route. If time permits, close doors and windows behind you.
  • Do not use an elevator.
  • Help others around you, but only if safe to do so.
  • Call (210) 458-4911 to report all emergencies.
  • 保持信息灵通——对你的处境和周围的环境做出正确的、独立的判断.

Guidelines for Evacuating People with Disabilities

General Guidelines

  • 除非得到急救人员的授权,否则不要使用电梯. Elevators could fail during a fire.
  • 在提供帮助之前,一定要问一下残疾人你能提供什么帮助. 询问如何才能最好地帮助或移动这个人,以及是否有任何特殊的注意事项或需要随身携带的物品.
  • 只有当你接受过救援训练,或者伤者处于紧急危险之中,无法等待专业人员的帮助时,才可以尝试进行救援疏散. 最后的办法是亲自疏散残疾人或伤者. 考虑你的选择和在疏散过程中伤害自己和他人的风险. Do not make an emergency situation worse.

Visually Impaired

  • Do not grab a visually impaired person’s arm; ask if they would like to hold on to your arm to exit. Warn the person about steps. Be specific in your verbal instructions (i.e. "to the right" rather than "this way"). Keep guide dogs with owners whenever possible.

Hearing Impaired

  • 通过触摸和眼神交流来引起听障人士的注意. 使用面部表情、手势和身体动作来帮助传达你的信息. 通过指向出口或疏散地图,提供最安全的路线或方向的视觉指示.

Physically Impaired

  • If people with mobility impairments cannot exit, 协助他们转移到最近的出口等待救援人员,并立即通知急救人员该个人在大楼内的位置.

Additional Resources

风险和应急管理定期对校园设施进行评估,以确定可能用作恶劣天气避难所的区域. 当恶劣天气或龙卷风警告发出时,你在校园内, it is recommended that you use good, 独立判断,考虑到您的即时安全,并采取迅速和适当的行动.

Some general rules:

  • 在建筑物的最底层找一个没有窗户(或玻璃墙)的室内房间.
  • Rooms without an exterior wall are preferred, and avoid auditoriums or rooms with high/vaulted ceilings.
  • 在世界杯官方app, 我们强烈建议室内厕所和出口楼梯井作为在恶劣天气下的安全避难所, although some classrooms, conference rooms, meeting spaces, or hallways may also work well.
  • 注意国家气象局和/或世界杯官方app警报紧急通知系统提供的天气警告, and listen to local news stations or monitor radars.
  • 迅速行动,警告你周围的人,待在安全的地方直到情况好转.

Look for the red "Severe Weather Shelter" signs on campus.

» Severe Weather Shelter Locations

During periods of inclement weather, 世界杯官方app官员不断监测天气,并考虑到世界杯官方app社区的安全. 风险和应急管理与国家气象局协调, City of San Antonio, and other local, 状态, and federal agencies to receive the latest forecast information, as well as conditions of streets and highways. 以下常见问题将帮助您了解世界杯官方app可能发生的情况.


When inclement weather conditions are expected, 世界杯官方app administrators, in consultation with 风险 and Emergency Management, 将评估最新的预报和当地情况,以决定是否关闭世界杯官方app校区. 决定这一过程的时间框架是基于预期的或正在进行的条件, and varies from situation to situation. 一般, 世界杯官方app将尽量给校园社区尽可能多的时间来考虑可能的关闭, which can occur in the evening (before 10 p.m.) or early morning (before 5 a.m.). 随后, 大学通讯和/或应急管理人员将在社交媒体和世界杯官方app今天上提供最新信息, provide notifications, and contact media outlets.

在其他大学,无论下雪还是结冰,他们都继续上课. What criteria are used to close 世界杯官方app?

世界杯官方app致力于为学生、教职员工的安全做出最佳决定. In San Antonio, even a small amount of ice might create an unsafe situation, 考虑到学生和员工从不同的距离前往大学. 例如,希尔地区的天气可能与贝尔县南部的天气不一样. 其他位于城市内部的大学可能会经历与北侧的世界杯官方app非常不同的天气, which may factor in to operational decisions.

What if my situation appears dangerous, and the university is open/I cannot determine if it is closed?

考虑到当地的天气,鼓励每个人在去学校旅行时做出谨慎的决定. 使用良好, independent judgment concerning driving conditions in your area, and be aware of any road closures or inclement conditions. 万一学校开放,你的情况太危险,不能开车, it is advised to communicate with your professors, 同事, supervisors and others about your situation and driving conditions.

How will I be notified of a campus closure?

因恶劣天气或其他情况导致校园关闭, 大学将启动世界杯官方app警报紧急通知系统. 选择加入世界杯官方app警报系统的用户将收到文本或语音信息, and an email, 世界杯官方app校园运营状况等相关信息. 信息 will also be posted on 世界杯官方app今天 and the university's official social media pages (脸谱网, 推特, Instagram).

What are official resources for me to use during inclement weather?


 Explore Preparedness Resources      View 世界杯官方app Emergency Response Guide